Saturday, April 25, 2009

Heart diseases & benefits of fitness

Heart disease is considered the number one killer in India. As medical technology and awareness improves, there is more we can do to reduce the incidence of cardiac events.
Holistic approach to prevent diseases

* Exercise Programming
* Nutritional Counselling
* Occupational Therapy
* Medication
* Psychosocial Counselling
* Stress Management
* Cardiac Education Topics
* Life style management workshops

Beneficial and Safe Exercise Tips!

1.Have you exercised before?

If you haven't, you should certainly discuss this with your physician and seek the appropriate exercise counseling or consult certified fitness specialist. A graded exercise test will inform you of your limits by establishing an appropriate/healthy level of physical activity. (working with an appropriate target heart rate).

2.What type of exercise is the most beneficial?

A combination of aerobic exercise (4-5 times per week for a duration of 30-40 minutes) combined with resistance exercises (2-3 times per week) is the most beneficial for overall cardiovascular health. Aerobic exercises are repetitive in nature such as walking, biking, rowing, swimming, etc… Resistance exercise are exercises that strive to improve overall muscular strength such as weight lifting, rubber bands, and other resistance exercises.

3.What if you do a lot of house work, or gardening or rushing around the office? Is this adequate daily exercise?

No! This increased activity may tire you out and be somewhat beneficial to your health, but it cannot replace regular aerobic exercise.

4.What makes exercise a better activity for heart health?

During aerobic exercise, your heart rate (pulse) increases for the duration of the activity thus training your heart and increasing cardiovascular benefits. During safe exercise it is recommended to monitor your heart rate and work consistently around your target heart rate (based on your stress test).

The benefits of regular exercise are as follows:

* Cholesterol control (lowers total and LDL and raises HDL, triglyceride level decreases)
* Blood pressure control
* Blood sugar control in persons with diabetes
* Increased energy levels
* Decreased body fat (weight loss)
* Increases functional capacity for daily activities
* Lower incidence of injury

Where should you exercise?

You can go out for a walk (or inside a Gym on extreme hot or cold days), home exercise equipment such as a treadmill or stationary cycle, or at a community based fitness program. If at any point you feel that you are unsure if you are exercising correctly, please seek the advice of your physician/ Fitness specialist.

Stress Management

Stress can be both positive and negative in our lives. Positive stress allows us to maintain motivation in achieving certain tasks. Negative stress creates a pressure where you cannot feel relaxed and always think about the stress. It is the negative stress that is associated with medical ailments ranging from headaches to heart attacks.

Often stresses are more of a perception than anything else. Stress can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Stress is and of itself a major risk factor in the development of coronary artery disease. The biochemical effects of stress on the body can also be responsible for the breakdown of the inner lining of the arterial walls.

It is impossible to control every stressful situation you find yourself facing, however, you can learn how to successfully manage them. The first tip in stress management is to be aware of what triggers the response (the stressor), and try to be proactive in the management of these situations. Often times it is more likely the perception of the situation that creates real stress than the situation itself.

A positive attitude is a key factor in the management of stressful situations. Try to maintain a balanced outlook. Do the things that you personally enjoy doing. Depending on your stressor you may find relaxation techniques helpful (including listening to music, meditating, exercise, etc…). Give yourself personal time and space to gather your thoughts and feelings so that you can more effectively deal with day to day stressors. Lastly, manage your time by doing one thing at a time. Many professionals and organizations help to guide people in stress management


Have a great week & enjoy.

Mr. Nadeem
[, PG in P.P.H.C, RIA, PGD in M& A, {MBA in HS}]
CEO & Active Life Consultant
Active Life Consulting
Mail: ,
call: 9849345798

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